GCP Cloud DNS ============= Terraform can use ``google_dns_record_set`` resources to provide DNS records for your cluster. In addition to the :doc:`normal DNS variables `, you will need to specify the ``managed_zone`` parameter. You can find your Managed Zone name in the GCP Netowrking Console. .. image:: /_static/gcp_dns.png :alt: GCP Managed Zone Name example If you haven't set up a managed zone for the domain you're using, you can do that with Terraform as well, just add this extra snippet in your .tf file: .. code-block:: javascript resource "google_dns_managed_zone" "managed-zone" { name = "my-managed-zone" dns_name = "example.com." description "Managed zone for example.com." } In your ``gce.tf``, you will want to enable the cloud-dns module: .. code-block:: javascript module "cloud-dns" { source = "./terraform/gce/dns" control_count = "${var.control_count}" control_ips = "${module.control-nodes.control_ips}" domain = "mydomain.com" edge_count = "${var.edge_count}" edge_ips = "${module.edge-nodes.edge_ips}" lb_ip = "${module.network-lb.public_ip}" managed_zone = "my-cloud-dns-zone" short_name = "${var.short_name}" subdomain = "service" worker_count = "${var.worker_count}" worker_ips = "${module.worker-nodes.worker_ips}" }