Bare-Metal ========== With respect to Mantl, a bare-metal environment means a set of physical computers that have Centos 7 installed on them. If you are using Openstack, VMware, or some other cloud provider, has terraform scripts for you. From a perspective, this doc is about setting up the inventory file by hand and preparing the machines to a state similar to what Terraform would have done. The minimum requirements for installing Mantl (based on the AWS sample) are edge, control and worker nodes with 1 core and about 4 GB of RAM. This documentation is really a description of how to set up a static inventory file when you don't create your inventory with ````. There is nothing about this document that requires that they be physical systems. This document explains: * Preparing your machines with Centos * Network and storage concerns * Creating your inventory * Setting up Ansible Setting Up Centos 7 =================== Thumb Drive Install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are more professional ways of creating your instances, but if you are looking for a solution for a couple of machines at home, you will need some tips on how to do it. The least technical way to do this is with a thumb drive. Create a bootable USB drive with Centos 7. This can be a bit confusing, we recommend the following two tutorials for OSX: * * requires the latest build of Centos 7. During installation you will use the defaults except: - Manually configure your partitions. On the Manual partioning page: - Remove existing partitions - Press the button to automatically partition. This will give you a default set to start with. - The automatic partioning will put 50 toward root and the rest in home, change this: - These are services machines and won't store many files in home, Home should be set to a small partion size leaving you with some unpartioned space. - You will need to leave unformatted space on the drive for Docker. Try to leave at least 50 unformated for the Docker LVM partion that is described in the "Create Partion for Docker LVM" section below. - Turn on your wired internet connection. It should just be a toggle switch for your device - Once the install starts, it asks for a root password and a first user - Having a ``centos`` admin user will match what happens in the cloud environments Once rebooted, if you forgot to turn on your internet in the install, you can set it up using the following tutorial: . It might be easier and more automated (therefore less error prone) to just reinstall and remember to turn on your internet during the install. Set up Base Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chosing a static IP range ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I chose 172.16.222.x because its unlikely to overlap with any network I might move this cluster to. Give it a static IP and set DNS and Gateway ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At the command line enter: :: ip addr You should see somethng like: :: 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eno1: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether b8:ae:ed:71:6c:06 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eno1 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::baae:edff:fe71:6c06/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever From this you can see that eno1 is the ethernet device. Edit ``/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1`` You can leave everything that is in there but you need to to change or add the following. BOOTPROTO and ONBOOT are probably already there. :: BOOTPROTO="static" IPADDR="" GATEWAY="" NETMASK="" DNS1="" DNS2="" NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT="yes" The DNS lines are going to have to change once consul is up. NOTE: in Centos 7 /etc/resolv.conf is a generated file. You could also put the dns lines in /etc/sysconfig/network. Permanently change your hostname with: :: hostnamectl set-hostname edge22 After saving then finally: :: systemctl restart network Create Partion For Docker LVM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - su - parted /dev/sda print - fdisk /dev/sda - Command: n - partion : default - please note which partition it is in. So if its partition 5, eventually you will need to tell mantl /dev/sda5 for the LVM - you kinda want all your machines to use the same partition because this partition is entered as a system wide variable - first sector: default - last sector: +50G - Command: w - reboot Don't put a file system on the partion. Note: I am creating a partion size of 50 Gigs, this is for docker. Just make it consistent across your cluster. There are two main types of drives on the market today. The older type of drive is said to have MS-DOS partions. When partioning these types of drives you will be asked if you want to create a ``primary`` partion or a ``extended`` partition. You will need to make it a ``primary`` partition. Additionally, if you have a MS-DOS partioned drive you may have to run the following patch: against the file /Library/ If during the ansible run (as described in the section "Run It!" below) the run hangs on task ``lvm | create volume group`` then you will need to follow the instructions in issue 1504. Creating Your Inventory ----------------------- Here is an example inventory file. It should be placed in the root of the mantl directory. :: [role=control] control-01 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= control-02 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= control-03 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= [role=control:vars] consul_is_server=true lvm_physical_device=/dev/sda3 [role=worker] worker-001 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= worker-002 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= worker-003 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= [role=worker:vars] consul_is_server=false lvm_physical_device=/dev/sda3 [role=edge] edge-01 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= edge-02 private_ipv4= ansible_ssh_host= [role=edge:vars] consul_is_server=false lvm_physical_device=/dev/sda3 [dc=dc1] control-01 control-02 control-03 worker-001 worker-002 worker-003 edge-01 edge-02 I had to add the ``ansible_ssh_host`` line to run ``playbooks/reboot-hosts.yml`` and the ``private_ipv4`` is needed by several roles. The ``dc=dc1`` group is needed to set ``consul_dc_group`` in the consul role. It is used in the dnsmasq role. ``dc1`` is the default. If you change the name of the data center in your inventory file you will need to set the ``consul_dc`` variable. For example, if you called your dc 'mydc' then you would need to enter: :: ansible-playbook -u centos -i inventory -e consul_dc=mydc \ -e provider=bare-metal -e @security.yml sample.yml >& bare-metal.log The rest of the options will be discussed below. Getting Started with Ansible ============================ Add your key to all the machines in your inventory :: ansible all -i inventory -u centos -k -m authorized_key -a "user=centos key=" Note this makes use of your public key on Github. If you don't have a Github account or a key pair on your Github account, please look at the documentation for Ansible ``authorized_key`` module for other options. The ``-k`` is needed because the ssh connection is still uses password based authentication. After this authorization step has been completed, all commands can happen without the password and ``-k`` option. Test with: :: ansible all -i inventory -u centos -m ping You should get back a pong from each machine in your inventory. Copy the /etc/host file over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add your nodes to /etc/hosts: :: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 MyMac control-01 control-02 control-03 worker-01 worker-02 worker-03 edge-01 edge-02 Copy the /etc/hosts file over to all your nodes: :: ansible all -i inventory -u centos --sudo --ask-sudo-pass -m copy -a "src=hosts dest=/etc/hosts" Run It! ------- You now are ready to run the playbook. Change directory to the project root. Your inventory should be there. Run the security-setup script: :: ./security-setup It asks for one admin password. At the end of that run there will be a ``security.yml`` file. It will have the password you entered and a lot of keys needed for installation. The playbook you will be running is ``sample.yml``. Since you created your own inventory and didn't use Terraform, there are a few variables you need to set for your run. :: ansible-playbook -u centos -i inventory \ -e provider=bare-metal \ -e consul_dc=dc1 \ -e docker_lvm_backed=true \ -e docker_lvm_data_volume_size="80%FREE" \ -e @security.yml sample.yml >& bare-metal.log In another window tail -f that log file to follow whats going on. The meaning of the parts of this command are as follows: ``ansible-playbook -u centos -i inventory`` run the ansible play book as centos user against the inventory found in the ./inventory file. ``-e provider=bare-metal`` The "provider" is bare-metal where a user sets up the infrastructure and then creates an inventory file as described above. If the inventory had been generated by against a terraform state file for infrastructure built on Google Cloud, this value would have been set automatically to 'gcs' ``-e consul_dc=dc1`` This is the name found in your ./inventory file for your datacenter. ``-e docker_lvm_backed=true`` LVM-backed docker is a really good idea in centos. This is why you craeted the extra partion during installation. ``-e docker_lvm_data_volume_size="80%FREE"`` This defaults to "40%FREE" in the docker role because the default LVM partition is shared with other things. You could leave this off, but its likely with your own hardware you will have different constraints and its a good variable to know. ``-e @security.yml`` This a series of variables that have all the security settings of the various parts of Mantl. The @ causes Ansible to evaluate the file. ``sample.yml`` This is the ansible file that is being run. ``>& bare-metal.log`` This redirects the output to a file so that you can review it later. Tailing with a -f flag lets you watch the progress as ansible works through the rolls accross your inventory. Once you are done, go to the browser and go to the IP address of any control node and you should see the Mantl UI. For the inventory shown above, you could go to ````.