
New in version 0.4.

Calico is used in the project to add the IP per container functionality. Calico connects Docker containers through IP no matter which worker node they are on. Calico uses etcd to distribute information about workloads, endpoints, and policy to each worker node. Endpoints are network interfaces associated with workloads. Calico is deployed in the Docker container on each worker node and managed by systemd. Any workload managed by Calico is registered as a service in Consul.

Calico is not enabled by default. In order to run Calico, you should make a couple of changes to your mantl.yml. You will need to add the etcd role into the roles section for all hosts:

- hosts: all
    - common
    - etcd

And you need to add the calico role to the role=worker hosts:

- hosts: role=worker
    - calico


Calico can run a public cloud environment that does not allow either L3 peering or L2 connectivity between Calico hosts. Calico will then route traffic between the Calico hosts using IP in IP mode. At this time, the full node-to-node BGP mesh is supported and configured in OpenStack only. Other cloud environments are set up with the IP in IP mode.


We pass the environment variable DOCKER_HOST to the executor using the flag --executor_environment_variables (added in Mesos v0.23.0), and thus the subsequent tasks:

  "DOCKER_HOST": "localhost:2377"

This allows Calico to set up networking automatically by routing Docker API requests through the Powerstrip proxy that is running on port 2377 on each Mesos slave host.


When you start containers on top of Marathon, you will need to add two environment variables to your JSON file: CALICO_IP and CALICO_PROFILE. You can assign an IP address to CALICO_IP explicitly or set auto and it will be allocated automatically. If the profile set with CALICO_PROFILE doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically. If you don’t provide the two variables, the Docker default network settings will be applied. The variable SERVICE_PORT is optional, it registers a service port in Consul for your application. You can make an SRV query to return this port.


  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "busybox"
  "id": "testapp",
  "instances": 1,
  "env": {
    "CALICO_IP": "auto",
    "CALICO_PROFILE": "dev",
    "SERVICE_PORT": "3000"
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 32,
  "uris": [],
  "cmd": "while sleep 10; do date -u +%T; done"


When you start a workload on Marathon with the proper environment variables as CALICO_IP and CALICO_PROFILE, the workload is registered in Consul as a service. The Powerstrip logic was extended in this case. The registered name is constructed in this way: MARATHON_APP_ID plus -direct suffix. For example, if you create a workload with the name of testapp, then the testapp-direct service will be registered in Consul.

Thus, you have the option to query Consul in two ways:

  1. In order to obtain Docker host IP addresses where your workload is running:
dig @localhost -p 8600 testapp.service.consul
  1. To resolve IP addresses from the Calico network:
dig @localhost -p 8600 testapp-direct.service.consul

In the above examples, adjust the .consul domain as needed if you customized it when building your cluster.


You can use the calicoctl command line tool to manually configure and start the Calico services, interact with the etcd datastore, define and apply network and security policies, and other.


calicoctl help
calicoctl status
calicoctl profile show --detailed
calicoctl endpoint show --detailed
calicoctl pool show


All components log to directories under /var/log/calico inside the calico-docker container. By default this is mapped to the /var/log/calico directory on the host. Files are automatically rotated, and by default 10 files of 1MB each are kept.


You can use these variables to customize your Calico installation. For more information, refer to the etcd configuration.


Port for etcd client communication

Default: 2379


Containers are assigned IPs from this network range



Endpoints are added to this profile for interconnectivity

Default: dev