
New in version 1.1.

As of Mantl 1.1 you can bring a Mantl cluster up on Joyent’s Triton. Please be sure to use at least Terraform 0.6.15: the first version with the required resources.

Configuring Triton for Terraform

Before we can build any servers using Terraform and Ansible, we need to configure authentication. We’ll be filling in the authentication variables for the template located at terraform/ The beginning of it looks like this:

# this sample assumes that you have `SDC_ACCOUNT`, `SDC_KEY_MATERIAL`,
# `SDC_KEY_ID`, and `SDC_URL` in your environment from (for example) using the
# Triton command-line utilities. If you don't, set `account`, `key_material`,
# `key_id`, and `url` in the provider below
provider "triton" {}

variable key_path { default = "~/.ssh/" }

Copy terraform/ in it’s entierty to the root of the project as to start customization. In the next section, we’ll explain how to obtain the settings mentioned above.

Basic Settings

First, we’ll need an account. This is the username you use to log into Triton. You can create an account at; refer to their getting started documentation for more information. Use the SDC_ACCOUNT environment variable, or set account in the provider (see sample below.)


new Joyent accounts may be subject to provisioning limits. Contact Joyent support to have those limits raised.

We’ll also need your key material and ID. Key material is the material of the public key used to authenticate requests. You can set SDC_KEY_MATERIAL with this info, or use Terraform’s file interpolation, shown below. They key ID is displayed in your Triton account page, but you can obtain it by running ssh-keygen -l -E md5 -f /path/to/your/key/ Set this as key_id or SDC_KEY_ID in the environment.

Last, you’ll need to specify the datacenter you want to operate in (key: url.) The default is us-east-1, and the general format is https://{datacenter-slug} If unset, this will be pulled from SDC_URL. You can select from any of Joyent’s public data centers, or enter a custom URL for a private data center.

Finally, here’s an example with the variables set:

provider "triton" {
    account      = "AccountName"
    key_material = "${file("~/.ssh/")}"
    key_id       = "25:d4:a9:fe:ef:e6:c0:bf:b4:4b:4b:d4:a8:8f:01:0f"

    # specify the datacenter by giving the API URL
    url = ""


Once your provider is set up, customize your modules (mainly for the variables ending in _count to control scaling.) Run terraform get to prepare the modules, terraform plan to see what will be created, and terraform apply to provision the cluster. Afterwards, you can use the instructions in getting started to install Mantl on your new cluster.

Configuring DNS

You can set up your DNS records with Terraform: